Category: SWTOR


SWTOR Live Stream Q&A

Hello All! Below you will find a video of SWTOR’s first live stream event! They took some questions and answered them…simple as that. Let us know what you think…     Andy “Rinato” Rudi    

Down Goes Kephess 1

Down Goes Kephess

After months slaving along, with only one standing in our way, we have finally risen up from the ashes to conquer our own enemy. Kephess, the devil of Explosive Conflict, has fallen by our blade, and once again we reign supreme. To all of those present and to those who...

Awe, How Cute… 0

Awe, How Cute…

More evidence surfaces of Bioware doing whatever it takes to keep their player base. It was announced yesterday that players on eligible servers would be receiving “phat lootz” just for playing the game! That’s right, if you have characters on any of the eligible servers and have an active account...

SWTOR Character Transfers Now Available 0

SWTOR Character Transfers Now Available

Well we have waited long enough. It is finally here. Bioware is crafting their mega-servers slowly but surely. On Tuesday of this week Bioware announced the first wave of servers that were eligible for a transfer. The trend seems to be taking the lowest population servers and allowing them to...