Tagged: 3

Dragon Age 2 Preview v2.0 0

Dragon Age 2 Preview v2.0

Release: March 2011 This game has been veiled in secrecy and all knowledge of it kept behind closed doors for a while now. It is just till recently that we’ve been able to uncover some slivers of information about this upcoming game, and how exactly it will compare to the...

Final Fantasy Versus XIII 1

Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Release Date: Q4 / 2010 Square Enix have done what many would say is very uncharacteristic of a Final Fantasy, they have divided it into two separate games, each following their own unique story line. Unlike Final Fantasy X and X-2, it appears that there will not be a singular...

Metal Gear Solid: Rising Preview 0

Metal Gear Solid: Rising Preview

Release Date: TBA The polls are in and this game is hott. Konami and E3 are rating this as a 9.6 out of 10 as a follow up MGS platformer. It’s being tracked in the top 50 of all currently watched and anticipated games, so put this baby on your...

Crysis 2 Preview 0

Crysis 2 Preview

Release Date: “Q4 2010” The most intense graphics-required game of all time returns, in the epic sequel to Crysis. E3 had a huge gameplay trailer and section devoted to this game, and frankly, the additions look crazy. With the IR and Heat sensitive scopes, combined with crisp looking active camo,...