War of Heroes: Spider-Man VS Venom

Another event is upon us! This time we will be helping S.H.I.E.L.D. and Spider-Man protect The Daily Bugle from the villain Venom.


Many of the rules and strategies for this even have been covered for previous events.


The new rules are as follows:


  • Rather than using attack power for the event players now have 6 RDS tokens.
  • These tokens regenerate at a rate of 1 token per 20 Iron Fistminutes.
  • A power pack will regenerate all 6 tokens.
  • A half pack will regenerate 3 tokens.
  • When you attack a boss you have a choice of how many tokens you want to use for the attack.
    • The number of tokens you use will determine how many times your deck swings.
    • Attack power is not used in these attacks so be sure to use the best possible deck each time with no regard to the attack power cost.
    • The more RDS that you consume on a single attack, the higher damage multiplier will be assigned. Currently 3 RDS is equivalent to about 4x damage and 6RDS is close to 10/11x normal damage. So if you plan on swinging out on those big bosses, make sure to consume all of your RDS for maximum raid points!!


  • Exchangeable items have change a bit.
    • Green shards only grant power packs and energy packs
    • Red shards grant raider cards (and rally points and silver)

New strategy based on new rules:

  • The new RDS tokens do change the strategy for raid events. Be sure to always use your best possible attack deck as attack power is not a factor.
  • Try and only use as many tokens as needed to down the boss or do your desired amount of damage.
  • Raid rating gain will differ from previous events due to everyone being on the same playing field when it comes to attack potential. It is important to pace yourself more than usual with this event and be consistent with raid rating gain.
  • The fact that attack power is separate from the event means that you will have an easier time mastering raider cards as the event moves forward.


Current List of Raider Cards: These cards will buff your performance in the event!


  • [Immortal Weapon] Iron Fist – U Rare: 1200% Damage or 2600% Damage when Fused
  • [Spider-Clone] Scarlet Spider – SS Rare: 800% Damage or 1800% Damage when Fused
  • [Stone Skin, Soft Heart] The Thing  – S Rare: 400% Damage or 1000% Damage when Fused
  • [Double Life] Spider-Woman – Rare: 200% Damage or 500% Damage when Fused
  • [Mutant Hunter] Sentinel – S Rare: 150% Damage or 350% Damage when Fused
  • [Fickle Fortune] Black Cat – Rare: 120% Damage or 250% Damage when Fused
  • [Gift of Battle] Hercules – S Rare: 130% Damage or 200% Damage when Fused
  • [Shield Maiden] Sif – Rare: 120% Damage or 150% Damage when Fused

This event is very different than the prior events because of how the new RDS gameplay system functions. There are still the typical ISO Shards that will be granted from killing or doing damage to a boss, as well as just for participating in a boss kill, but the mechanics of the fights are obviously different!!


Top Ranking Rewards:

[Symbiote] Venom – Bruiser U Rare

[Wall-Crawler] Spider-Man – Speed SS Rare

[Secret Veteran] Arachne – Speed S Rare

[All-Seeing] Doctor Strange – Tactics Rare




– Andy “Rinato” Rudi –


PC has always been my platform of choice, partly due to availability but mostly due to love for the mouse and keyboard. I am a graduate of Duquesne University with a BA in Digital Media Arts. I have decided to take my technical skills and apply them to something that I and my partners love, gaming. Some of my favorite games have always been the most intense team based ones. Games like Counter-Strike (1.5,1.6,CZ,Source), Unreal Tournament, Halo, and also the highly tactical parts of everyones favorite MMOs. I really hope you all enjoy this site as much as we are enjoying making it.

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